The Gauthier Shop offers a generous loyalty rewards program offering great discount redeemable against any purchases in our shop, including wines and restaurant gift vouchers.

How do I join the program?

You're probably already in it! If you have an account with Gauthier Shop, we've automatically created a rewards account for you, and credited your balance with 1000 points, just to say hello.

Have a look at your Rewards Widget located at the bottom right of the store.

If you want to create an account, you can do so using the link at the top right of the page.

How do I earn points?

Earn 10 points for every £1 spent. Rewards are issued as coupons.

What kind of rewards are there?

How do I redeem rewards?

Rewards can be redeemed through the Rewards Redemption Page which can be accessed through the Rewards Widget located at the bottom right of the store.

How do I use my rewards?

Rewards are issued as coupon codes. Remember to apply the reward coupon code on the payment page during checkout.

Is there any incentive to refer my friends to Gauthier Wines?

Yes! We offer a £10 reward for referrals, both to you and your referred friend. Use the 'get rewarded' widget at the bottom right of the screen. It will create a personal code and automatically discount their cart total by £10. When they buy, you will then be issued with a £10 voucher.

If you have any questions or problems with the rewards and referrals scheme, please call us direct on 0207 851 9382. Or email us through our contact us page.


Thank you